Atlantean Name Reading - 60 min
Service Description
An Atlantean Name reading is a powerfully healing session that uncover the crystalline grid frequencies that you are working with this lifetime, as guided by your name. Your name holds the keys to vibrational frequencies embedded into your chakra system which gives us great insight into your life path to date and your destined life purpose. The 45 minute session is designed to uncover your Lower triangle crystal Upper triangle crystal Higher self crystal Your plant & animal guides Your spiritual guides How your ego is best managed What your life purpose is What your higher self purpose is Follow up or longer sessions are available to work on healing with the crystalline frequency from your name reading and to create life plan strategies. We will be working with the frequencies of your earth and soul stars as well as your 7 chakras and you can experience a healing of blocks in these energy centres from the session. At the end of the session you have the option to purchase your Liquid Crystal Remedy for $33 and you will receive a copy of your atlantean name gift card to keep. Please bring your journal and a pen. You are welcome to voice record the session. Sessions are held on Tamborine Mountain. Unable to come to the mountain? Let me know and we can zoom your session instead. _______________________________ The Liquid Crystals (TLC) are geometric vibrational remedies made from the Earths Metals, Minerals and Crystals. They are change facilitators, healing Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and thus Physical imbalance. The Liquid Crystals are created via an ancient remembered process that embraces Crystalline Integrity, Sacred Geometry, Alchemy, Solar, Luna and Universal energy. The Liquid Crystals have returned to facilitate our planet back to Oneness by Reuniting the Crystalline grids, Above, Below and within Humanity. "One Heart, One Voice, One Vision, One Spirit"
Contact Details
+ 0430 506 881